Ultimate List Of Best Hacking Tools Of 2022 Edition

best hacking tools

Official hacker has prepared a useful list of the best hacking tools 2022 based on industry reviews, their comments, and their experience. This list will inform you about the best software used for piracy with port scanners, web vulnerability scanners, password crackers, forensics tools, and social engineering.

We’ve compiled this list of the best 2022 hacking tools with their best features and download links. Read about them, learn how to use them and share your comments to make this list better.

We’ve compiled this list of the best 2022 hacking tools with their best features and download links. Read about them, learn how to use them and share your comments to make this list better.

Disclaimer: Official Hacker publishes this article for educational purposes only and does not promote harmful practices.

1. Metasploit | The best hacking tools in 2022

Instead of calling Metasploit a collection of exploitation tools, I’ll call it an infrastructure that you can use to build your custom tools. This free tool is one of the most popular security tools that let you identify vulnerabilities across platforms. Metasploit is supported by more than 200,000 users and collaborators who help you get information and discover the weaknesses of your system.

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This 2021 hacking toolkit simulates real-world attacks to inform you about weaknesses and find them. As a penetration tester, identifies vulnerabilities by integrating the Nexpose closed loop using the Top Remediation reports. Using the open-source Metasploit framework, users can create their tools and take full advantage of this multi-functional hacking tool.

Supported and downloaded platforms:
Metasploit is available for all major platforms, including Windows, Linux, and OS X.

To find out more and find a download link.

2. Acunetix WVS | The best hacking tools in 2022

Acunetix is a Web Vulnerability Scanner (WVS) that analyzes and discovers the defects of a website that may prove fatal. This multi-threading tool analyzes a website and discovers malicious cross-site scripting, SQL injection, and other vulnerabilities. This fast and easy-to-use tool scans WordPress websites from over 1200 WordPress vulnerabilities.

Acunetix comes with a logger that lets you access site-protected areas of your website. The new AcuSensor technology used in this tool reduces false positivity. These features have made Acunetix WVS one of the hacking tools you need to control in 2022.

Supported and downloaded platforms:
Acunetix is available for Windows XP and later.

Read here and find the download link.

3. Nmap | The best hacking tools in 2022

Nmap – also known as Network Mapper – falls into the category of a port scanning tool. This free and open-source hacking tool is the most popular port scanning tool that enables efficient network discovery and security auditing activities. Utilized for a wide range of services, Nmap uses raw IP packets to determine hosts available on a network, its services along with the details, operating systems used by hosts, the type of firewall used, and other information.

Last year, Nmap won several prize-winning awards for the year and has been featured in several films, including The Matrix Reloaded, Die Hard 4 and others. Available in the command line, the Nmap executable also comes in an advanced GUI avatar.

Supported and downloaded platforms:
Nmap is available for all major platforms, including Windows, Linux, and OS X.

To find out more and find a download link.


4. Wireshark | The best hacking tools in 2022

Wireshark is a known tool for creating packets that detect a vulnerability within a network and check out firewall rule sets. Used by thousands of security professionals to analyze networks and acquire live pockets and in-depth analysis of hundreds of protocols. Wireshark helps you read real-time data from Ethernet, IEEE 802.11, PPP / HDLC, ATM, Bluetooth, USB, Token Ring, Frame Relay, FDDI, and others.

This free open-source tool was originally called Ethereal. Wireshark also comes in a command-line version called TShark.

Supported and downloaded platforms:
This GTK + based network protocol analyzer works

Read more here and find the download link.

5. oclHashcat | The best hacking tools in 2022

If you’re cracking the password is something you do daily, you may be aware of the free tool to crack the Hashcat password. While Hashcat is a cracking tool for CPU-based passwords, oclHashcat is its advanced version that uses the power of your GPU.

An oclhashcat tool called to crack the world’s fastest passwords with the first and only engine based on the GPGPU world. To use the tool, users require NVIDIA ForceWare 346.59 or later and require AMD Catalyst users 15.7 or later.

This tool uses the following crack cracking modes:

  • right
  • combination
  • Brutal force
  • Hybrid dictionary + mask
  • Hybrid Mask + dictionary

To mention another important feature, oclHashcat is a tool under the MIT open source license, which allows easy integration or conditioning of common Linux distributions.

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Supported and downloaded platforms:
This useful cracking password tool can be downloaded in several versions for Linux, OSX, and Windows.

Read here and find the download link

6. No Vulnerability Scanner | The Best Hacking Tools of 2022

This 2021 free security tool works with the help of a client-server framework. Made by Tenable Network Security, the tool is one of the most popular vulnerability scanners we have. Nessus serves different purposes for different types of users: Nessus Home, Nessus Professional, Nessus, and Nessus Cloud Manager.

Using Nessus, you can scan multiple types of vulnerabilities, including remote access troubleshooting, alarm configuration errors, denial of service attacks against TCP / IP stacks, preparation of PCI DSS revision, malware detection, searching for sensitive data, etc. It is also possible to call externally a popular Hydra tool.

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Apart from the basic features above, Nessus could be used for scanning multiple networks in IPv4, IPv6, and hybrid networks. You can configure scheduled scanning to run the selected time and scan all or a subsection of the hosts you have previously captured using a selective scan set.

Supported and downloaded platforms:

Nessus supports a variety of platforms, including Windows 7 and 8, Mac OS X and popular Linux distributions such as Debian, Ubuntu, Kali Linux, etc.

Read here and find the download link

7. Maltego | The best hacking tools in 2022

Maltego is a forensic open-source platform that offers rigorous extraction and gathering information to paint a scandal of computer threats around. Maltego is highlighted to show the complexity and severity of the failure points in its infrastructure and environment.

Maltego is a great tool for hackers to analyze real-world links between people, businesses, websites, domains, DNS names, IP addresses, and other documents. Based on Java, this tool performs an easy-to-use graphical interface with customization capability lost during scanning.

Supported and downloaded platforms:
The Maltego security tool is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Read here and find the download link

8. Tool Kit for Social Engineers | The Best Hacking Tools

It also occurs in Mr. Robot, Social-Engineer Toolkit is an advanced TrustedSec to simulate various types of social engineering attacks such as credential collections, phishing attacks, and other contexts. In the program, Elliot is seen with the spoofing tool SMS Social-Engineer Toolkit.

This tool is driven by Python standard penetration testing tool for social engineering with more than two million downloads. Automate attacks and generate emails, malicious web pages, and more.

Supported and downloaded platforms:
To download SET to Linux, type the following command:

git clone https://github.com/trustedsec/social-engineer-toolkit/ set /

In addition to Linux, Social-Engineer Toolkit is partially compatible with Mac OS X and Windows.

9. Netsparker | The best hacking tools in 2022

Netsparker is a popular web application scanner that finds defects such as SQL injection and local file induction, suggesting safe and read-only corrective actions. Because this hacking tool produces an exploitation test, you do not have to verify the vulnerability by yourself.

Only when it is not possible to automatically check a fault will warn you. This hacking tool is very easy to get started. Just enter the URL and let it scan. Netsparker supports JavaScript and AJAX-based applications. Therefore, you do not need to configure the scanner or rely on a complex scanning configuration to scan various types of web applications.

If you do not want to pay for the professional version of Netsparker, you also have a demo version that you can use.

Supported and downloaded platforms:
The Netsparker web application scanner is available for Windows

Read here and find the download link

10. w3af | The best hacking tools in 2022

w3af is an open-source and free web application security scanner that is widely used by hackers and penetration testers. w3af is the attack of web applications and the control framework. By using this hacking tool, you can get information on security vulnerabilities that can be used more in penetration testing commitments.

w3af aims to identify more than 200 vulnerabilities (including cross-site scripting, SQL injection, PHP configuration errors, guessed credentials, and uncontrolled application errors) and make a Web application (and website) more secure.

w3af comes in the command line and graphical user interface to meet the needs of a hacker. In less than 5 clicks and using the default profile for beginners, you can check the security of a web application. As is well documented, new users can easily find their way. Being an open-source hacking tool, an experienced developer can play with code, add new features, and create something new.

Supported and downloaded platforms:
w3af is available for Linux, BSD, and OS X. On Windows, older versions are supported.

Read here and find the download link

Other major 2022 hacking and security tools in multiple categories:

Web Vulnerability Scanners – Burp Suite, Firebug, AppScan, OWASP Zed, Paros Proxy, Nikto, Grendel Scan

Vulnerability Scanning Tools – Netsparker, sqlmap, Impact Core, WebGoat, BeEF

Forensic tools – Helix3 Pro, EnCase, Autopsy

Port Scanners – Unicornscan, NetScanTools, Angry IP Scanners

Traffic Control Tools – Nagios, Ntop, Splunk, Ngrep, Argus

Debugger – IDA Pro, WinDbg, Immunity Debugger, GDB

Rootkit Detectors – DumpSec, Tripwire, HijackThis

Encryption Tools – KeePass, OpenSSL, OpenSSH / PuTTY / SSH, Tor

Password Crackers – John the Ripper, Aircrack, Hydra, ophcrack

We hope you found this list of 2021 hacking and security tools useful. Share your comments in the comments below and help us improve this list.


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