How To Hack Wifi Password Through Wifiphisher?


The Greek security researcher named George Chatisovru developed a social engineering tool WiFi has been designed to steal the credentials of WiFi network users in security data.
The tool was released, called the wifiphisher name, software development on the GitHub site on Sunday and is available for free to users.

George Chatzeysovru says, “It’s a social engineering attack that does not use brute force unlike other methods, it’s an easy way to get Luba’s passwords.

However, there are many hacking tools available on the web that can hack into a secure Wi-Fi network, but multiple Wi-Fi techno lo automate automates hacking makes it a little different from others this tool.

The tool uses wifiphisher scenario of attack “evil twin”. The same evil twin, the tool creates a first false wireless access point (AP) deny the same as the legitimate Wi-Fi parent. It then directs denial-of-service (DoS) attack against arrival and any entry point or creates legitimate RF interference around which separates wireless users to connect and prompts users to scan available networks.

Once it is disconnected from the legitimate Wi-Fi access point, then the tool is forcing computers and devices to automatically reconnect to the evil twin, allowing hackers to intercept all traffic to this device.

This technique is also known as the father of phishing, Wi-Fi phishing, Hotspur, or Father Hone but. Such attacks take advantage of counterfeit login fake access points to capture Wi-Fi users’ credentials, credit card numbers, and launch attacks through a man’s medium, or infect the pages Wireless hosts.

He said Chatzeysovru “and wifiphisher is a montage of fast automated phishing attacks against Luba networks in order to obtain the secret passphrase [and] do not include any brutal beating security tool.” “The Avivichir area odor and copy settings of the destination access point [and] creates a vulnerable wireless access point that is modeled on the target.”

Once the victim is required to any web page through the Internet, a tool and Avivicher will serve realistic fake page of the router configuration victim that the search will ask for the WPA password confirmation due to the firmware update of the Router.

WifiPhisher automated phishing networks Wi-Fi against attacks

Tool, therefore, can be used by hackers and criminals to generate more phishing attacks against man in the middle of users.

There are also criticisms of the tool in many discussion forums on the Internet, as it would not be possible to establish an access point without a fake password.

“The tool is to actually create a second network is Myrrh.via Windows, and will give you a warning that network settings can Nagar.aly Android, you have to manually reconnect to the network is not ‘style ( T) automatically attack the centerman, “said a critic in simply.


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The Wifiphisher works on Kali Linux are licensed under a license from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Users can download and install the tool in the Cali Linux distribution for free.

How does WifiPhisher work?

The tool works by creating a fake wireless access point (wireless AP) for personal original access point impersonation. And Denial of Service attacks on the original access point begins to separate the clients from the access point. Once customers cut it off they will automatically reconnect to the Wi-Fi and fake network, allowing you to intercept all the traffic!

Wifiphisher will capture traffic, and can automatically be directed to the victims to a page that says updating the phishing firmware “download and update” and that it is necessary to re-enter the Wi-Fi password. If the user enters the security key and then the pirates capture it!

Phishing is a form of social engineering attacks. Malicious Web sites hackers use to obtain personal information through trust. When users respond with the required information, the attackers will receive credentials.


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