Top Three Tools to Hack WhatsApp

tools to hack whatsapp

WhatsApp is the most popular instant messaging platform in the world with over 2 billion registered users. Out of these billions of users, a major demographic comprises of teens. And for that reasons, parents want to ensure that their children are not bullying or getting bullied on WhatsApp since the platform is widely used by both tweens and teens to receive free text messages, pictures, audio, and video files. Many other issues in the cyber world need your attention, such as sexting, groomers, pedophiles, identity theft, scammers, and stalkers.

Then, there is the issue of data leaks that make it inevitable for employers to keep an eye on their employees. Also, people want to use the best WhatsApp spy app if they want to make sure they are not getting cheated on.

How to Use a WhatsApp Monitoring App?

It’s not an easy thing to spy on someone. And the times of hiring detectives and using bugs have become a thing of the past. Here is where apps to monitor WhatsApp and other digital platforms enter the picture. And surely you would want to invest in the best WhatsApp spy apps for optimal results. Whatever your spying needs might be, that requires you to sneak into someone’s WhatsApp, and you have come to the right place.

Today, we are going to talk about the top three tools to hack someone’s WhatsApp so you can make an informed decision. Rather than going through tons of reviews and comparing their price and features, we have done it all for you.

Read on to find out about the top tools you can use to effectively hack someone’s WhatsApp. Before we head on to these apps, here are the considerations that you should take into account before spending money on any of them. You must check that these apps feature the capabilities listed below:

It should let you access WhatsApp chats

The best WhatsApp spy app would let you easily access all the messages including sent and received messages, through the app. You can read the messages and know which contact the phone user talks the most frequently.

It should track WhatsApp Calls’ log

Apart from text messaging, the app is rather popular for both voice and video calls. Using a WhatsApp monitoring phone lets you see the call logs of WhatsApp. Many are of the idea that WhatsApp calls cannot be monitored. But the pace at which these apps are advancing, you can get your hands on WhatsApp call details of the phone user and know about the incoming and outgoing calls, the contact details, and for how long how lasted.

Access Multimedia Files

WhatsApp is a popular platform used for sharing photos and videos. When you use an app to sneak into someone’s WhatsApp, you should be able to access the multimedia files and know what the phone user is sharing or receiving on the platform.

Top Three Tools to Hack Someone’s WhatsApp

  1. Through MAC spoofing

This method lets you hack someone’s WhatsApp without physical access to his phone. This requires you to first install a MAC spoofing app on that phone. A MAC address is unique and is the network adapter manufacturer specifies it. Containing 12 hexadecimal numbers, the MAC address is distinctive.

tools to hack whatsapp

Here is a step-by-step guide as to how you can hack someone’s WhatsApp through it:

  • For starters, uninstall WhatsApp on your phone if you have it.
  • Now, get hold of the phone you want to sneak into to get its MAC address.
  • For that, you should know about the model of the phone. Here are the ways you can find the MAC address on different phone operating systems:


  • Go to Settings, choose About Phone, and then Status, and you have the Wi-Fi MAC address.


  • Go to the Settings and select General. Now, find About. You are going to find the MAC address in the Wi-Fi address section.


  • Go to the Options, and find the Device and Status Info. You may see WLAN after this.


  • Go to the Settings and select About. Now, select the More Info tab and then press the MAC address.

The rest is the same:

  • Now, install the MAC spoofing app on your phone.
  • Swap your MAC address with the address of the phone you are hacking into.
  • Now, re-install WhatsApp on your phone. You may need physical access to the phone you want to tap into for a while as you are going to use the number for the verification code.
  • Once you have been successful in accessing the target phone, you are going to see the verification code sent to you. Make sure that you remember to delete it.

You can now easily access the WhatsApp messages and send/receive them as well.

  1. Xnspy

The app lets you access all the WhatsApp activities going on the phone without rooting (Android) and jailbreaking (iOS) devices.

tools to hack whatsapp

Xnspy is one of the best WhatsApp spy apps that comes with plenty of smart features such as access to text messages, call logs, call and surround recording, access to email, contacts, and calendar, track web browsing history, and locations. Efficient customer service, along with a user-friendly interface adds to a smooth experience.


As said earlier, the app runs smoothly on both Android and iPhone devices. Here is the compatibility chart below:

AndroidiPhone (No Jailbreak)
4.x up to 106.x up to 13.3.1


Xnspy WhatsApp Features

Read WhatsApp ChatsYesYes
View WhatsApp Calls LogsYesYes
View WhatsApp PhotosYesYes


  1. Through Google Drive Backup

The second method that you are going to explore for accessing someone’s WhatsApp is via Google Drive backup. You must note that the Google Drive Backup saves all the messages as well as the multimedia files to the Google Drive account of the person.

tools to hack whatsapp

With the help of Google Drive, you can access WhatsApp messages. But, there are some things you need to take into account. The most important one being the syncing of Google with Google Drive. See that Google Play service is installed on the device.

Follow this step-by-step tutorial to read someone’s WhatsApp messages remotely through Google Drive Backup:

  • First of all, you are required to create a backup of the WhatsApp messages that are going to transfer all the messages from the device to the Google Drive account.
  • Add the account to the new phone you are using to perform the backup.
  • Make sure that you use the same phone number. The phone number on the new phone should be the same.
  • Now, install the WhatsApp application on the phone and verify the phone number. Restore all the chat conversations and messages from Google Drive.
  • Once you are done, tap next, and you have easy access to all the chats.
  • You can even restore the different multimedia files.

Compared to using some apps, this process is a bit complicated and contains a series of steps. But you will get your hands on what you want.


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