How to kill Wifi in a Network Using Wifi Kill – Official Hacker

wifi kill app

Wifi Kill Introduction

Nowadays everybody is using Wifi everywhere i.e. Home, Office, Schools, etc. Everybody wants to kill Wifi of another person and access it at full speed.  Wifi is playing a vital role in accessing the internet without LAN Cables. For accessing the internet through Wifi we should know the password of the Wifi Router. Then we can access the internet.

In Wifi, there is a facility that multiple users can connect and access the internet at the same time. Nowadays Wifi passwords are encrypted so that they cannot be hacked. If someone tries to steal your Wifi Password then they get nothing because of  WPA or WPS encryption.

What is the use of  WIFI KILL?

This app is used to kill another person’s Wifi in the same network and access the internet at full speed. Many people use this for doing pranks on their friends by blocking their internet speeds. Wifi kill makes a virtual barrier whom speed we want to block.

How to use Wifi Kill?

First, you should have a rooted android phone and then install Wifi Kill apk.


Open Wifi Kill app on your device and grant root permissions.

wifi kill app


The app will look like this.


Then click on the Start button on the upper right corner. All devices connected to that network will be shown like this. Click on that which you want to block.

wifi kill app


All devices will be shown like this with their I.P. addresses which are provided by your wifi router.


Click on that network and then click on the grab slider and turn it on.


wifi kill app

It will attach to that I.P address of that machine.


Then click on the kill. It will create a virtual barrier and block internet speed.

wifi kill app

Voila!! you’ve done it

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